Marginalia Vol. 2: Six Lullabies

Hey everyone,

I decided to drop a little year-end collection to commemorate the crazy year that was.

These six pieces were recorded in October and November of 2020, as I was preparing for the birth of my first child. These little lullabies provided the soundtrack for his last days in the womb and his first moments and days of life on the outside. I wasn’t sure if I would put these out or not, but I realized that if I don’t share them now I probably never will. So just like we’re letting go of 2020 soon, I’m letting go of these songs. Enjoy.

Listen Here.

For now they’ll be on Bandcamp only. I might add them to the streaming services at some point.

I’m offering this music for free, as a gift to you. But if you decide to chip in some money, all proceeds through the end of 2020 will benefit the Detroit Public Schools Community District’s Building:Arts initiative, which is raising funds to provide instruments, sheet music, art supplies, dance floors, and more to DPSCD students.

Thanks as always for your continued support,

- Michael